Monday, August 30, 2010

School Time !!!!

Can this boy really be in second grade already? Holy Cow time sure flies. Tre is excited to see all his friends again and especially for "recess". It was a very rainy day though so they actually didn't have "outside" recess today so to quote tre "It was NOT a very good day mom"
Typical first day of school shot :)

He thought this picture was one to many.

This is the boys waiting for the bus, usually there are more boys but their mom's took them to school the first day. I asked Tre if he wanted me to take him and he said "UH I can go by myself!" Like duh mom. I'm not gonna lie it was hard for me to say ok and let him go.
Kaylie will be in preschool again, although she would like to think she is ready for kindergarten.
Of course she loved getting ready and taking pictures.

She is such a poser. She kept telling me to take more pics.

She also said I didn't need to walk her to school "I can do it myself"--granted school for her is right next door.