Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Greenville Zoo

The other day we decided to go to the zoo with our kids and our friends the Maake's. The weather was scorching hot. 102 degrees. We went through bottle after bottle of water but the
kids had a good time.
Even the Elephants wouldn't leave their watering hole. All we saw were bums-big elephant bums.

Any excuse to stop and stand in the shade. The kids were afraid to sit on the bear but we finally convinced them that it wasn't real.
This zoo wasn't huge but they did have lions that looked like Tre.

The funniest monkeys I have ever seen in my life.

The giraffes were a hit as well because you could stand in the shade while you looked at them.

They also had fun at the play ground, I don't know why daddy thought he could play on this toy. But it was definately entertaining for everyone else

Sing Sing Sing

Last night I was sitting in the living room. Tre was playing in his room and Kaylie was sitting at the table. All of the sudden she started singing so I decided to record it for all to see. She is singing the ABC's then she sings twinkle twinkle little star followed by her own rendition of the barney song.

Midnight swim

The kids had been asking me and begging me if they could swim with dad. So Saturday night the kids went for a midnight swim with dad. Well it wasn't midnight but it was dark outside. The kids had a blast and loved being able to swim with daddy. I guess I'm just not as fun as him. We have decided that this will be something we can do on more of a regular basis, they get to swim but not in the blistering heat of the day. It is nicer to swim at night than it is in the day. So it works out good for all of us.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Out to Eat

After a long hard day of working Benny
took us to eat at TGIFridays. The kids love spending time with daddy and were waiting all day for him to come home. They were so excited when I told them we were going to go eat with dad. Tre and Kaylie talked to daddy non stop telling him all about their day. Tre was so tired from swimming all day that he fell asleep at the restaurant. All in all it was a very good day and it was fun spending time with Benny.

Mommas Boys

Daddy's Girls

Friday, June 6, 2008

Water Babies

The kids spent all afternoon jumping off the side of the pool. Tre and Kaylie were actually playing with each other. It was fun to see Tre be protective of her. He made sure that big kids stayed away from her and would pull her and tell her where she should swim to stay out of danger. He is such a good big brother.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Kaylie

Swimming Break Through

We had a huge break through at the pool today. Kaylie decided that it was ok to swim by herself with her arm floaties on. She has worn them several other times and refused to go any near the water unless she was attached to me. By the end of today she was screaming "No don't help me, mom" and would go on her way around the pool. It was fun to see her be so proud of herself. She is a big girl now.

Goggles Galore

You can't get much cuter than this!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

South Carolina Boyz

These are all the guys that work in Benny's Office.
We just saved 20% on our homeowners insurance, through APX Alarm!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


My children are definately not camera shy. They love to pose.

Yes Tre your muscles are bigger than daddy's.

Flying High

Everyday when we leave for the pool, Tre asks me three questions. One being if Ne Ne and Seth are coming? Two if Chino (a tech in Benny's office) is going to be at the pool? and three if I think he will throw him in the pool? Usually the answer is yes to all three. As you can see there is no holding back when they play at the pool. But Tre loves every minute of it.

Eating again

Kaylie spends 90% of her time at the pool eating. Whether it is our food or someone elses she doesn't care. But she isn't just a taker she also shares with everyone at the pool as well.

Fort Fabulous

I woke up this morning to find that Tre and Kaylie had made themselves a fort not nearly big enough for the two of them. I decided to help them and built a bigger better fort. Tre told me "This is the best tent ever"

1, 2, 3, GO!!!!

It is a good thing her big brother is a good swimmer. He shows her everyday how to do something. Very rarely does she do what he wants but he does teach her that she shouldn't be afraid. She cheers for him when he does something cool, and he always tells her "Good Job Kaylie". It's fun to watch them actually be friends.

Splish Splash

Tre saw some videos on our friends blog and he thought it was so cool. Foolishly, I said to him that we could put some video of him swimming on our blog, and he hasn't stopped bugging me about it since then. He had to make sure I recorded him swimming so everyone could see how good he was at it. He gets better and better every time he gets in the pool. I'm just glad I didn't give him my fear of water.

Day of Tears

Sunday has become the day of tears for the Kofe kids. Kaylie hasn't been able to go to nursery with out crying since we have been here. I am constantly waiting for them to come and bring her to me in either sunday school or relief society. They always bring her to me for one reason or another. So sunday to my suprise the door to relief society opened and there stood my Tre boy, big aligator tears and he was trying to catch his breath from crying so hard. All the primary president told me was that his teacher was talking about temples and families and he burst into tears saying he needed his mommy and daddy. I started talking to him and all he needed was to see that mommy, daddy and Kaylie were ok. Needless to say I had to get Benny out of priesthood so Tre could see that all was well with daddy. He insisted that we go check on Kaylie but just reassured him that she was fine. Kaylie actually made it through a whole Sunday of nursery, so instead I got Tre. It will be interesting to see how next sunday goes.