Monday, April 14, 2008

South Carolina Here We Come

Well Benny just left for South Carolina, a 35 hour drive, to start work for the summer. The kids and I will be on our way in a couple of weeks. We just have to finish up Tre's school and some Volleyball stuff and then we can head out. It is amazing how much harder it was to let benny go this summer. It is probably because I know what is a head of me. It was all new to me last summer and didn't know what to expect. Now I know about the never ending work schedule, the single motherhood, the lights are on but nobody is home look that won't leave his eyes until about two weeks after he gets home for the summer, and the countless days spent sitting at the pool (who knew that that could get old). Never the less I am so proud of Benny and all he sacrifices to provide for us. This has to be one of the hardest jobs, but he just does such a good job. It is also kind of fun to go some where new for a couple months and experiece it, and then get to come back HOME. Tre couldn't ask for anything better, swimming everyday!!!! Kaylie I think doesn't know the difference yet. Althought she has noticed that daddy isn't here to tell her how cute she is all the time. It is ok we will see him soon.

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